Top Sports Summer Camps and Summer Sports Programs for Kids & Teens in Rhode Island

Best Rhode Island Sports Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Sports Camps in Rhode Island!

Over 26 Rhode Island Sports Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Rhode Island Sports Camps in 2025
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Winter Sports Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Rhode Island are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Rhode Island Sports Camps offer Winter Sports Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Sports Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Sports Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Sports Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Rhode Island Winter Sports Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great Rhode Island Sports Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Rhode Island Day Sports Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best Rhode Island Year-Round
Sports Camps, Classes & Sports Programs

Many of our Best Rhode Island Summer Sports Camps also offer Year Round Sports Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Sports Programs, too.

Best Rhode Island Winter Sports Camp Jobs

Searching for Rhode Island Sports Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Sports Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL RI Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Sports Camps in the Northeast are here in Rhode Island.


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

Mastery Martial Arts Smithfield Summer Camp
Smithfield, Rhode Island

Visit Our Mastery Martial Arts Smithfield Summer Camp Website
6 Rhode Island Locations
9 Cedar Swamp Rd
Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917

Mastery HQ
23B Appian Way
Smithfield RI 02917



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Mastery Martial Arts camps include our industry leading traditional martial arts training coupled with many of the activities associated with standard summer and day camps.

Camp days are diverse, exciting, and challenging. In addition to great exercise and martial arts camp days include field trips (summer and select school holidays), constructive games, kid's movies, art and crafts, and character building activities. Of course our camps are a bit hit with children, but parents love them too. By offering convenient early drop off and extended pick up hours, at no extra charge, Mastery Martial Arts camps offer the perfect solution for parents.

Martial Arts, Science, Adventure, and more. 3 Weekly Fields Trips Ranging From Rock Climbing, Launch, Chucky Cheese, Providence Childrens Museum, Roger Williams Zoo, Harmony Hills Rope Course

CAMP LOCATION: Smithfield RI is easily accessible from 295. Our Facility is setup for handling our Awesome Summer Camps. Including our 30 Passenger Thomas Buses.

Six Rhode Island locations, please call for location nearest you.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Mastery Staff are all excellent with children. Compliant with back ground checks, CPR and first aid training and are excellent motivators and communicators.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Mastery Martial Arts also offers After School marital arts with transportation, Traditional Martial Arts, Awesome Kids Birthday parties, and summer camps.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Mastery Martial Arts has 6 RI locations. Currently we are offering Summer camp in 2 locations. Smithfield and Cranston.

Week 1: June 22-26 2015
Week 10: August 23-28

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Mastery Martial Arts Smithfield Summer Camp

There are 26 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Get the Best Price on a Professional Acoustic Guitar

Rhode Island Sports Camps

Be sure to ask each Rhode Island Sports Camp about the amount of sports instruction and the overall intensity of their sports program.

Some Top Rhode Island Sports Camps offer rigorous daily sports training and lots of intensive sports experience. Other great Rhode Island Camps offer sports as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY Rhode Island Sports Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Rhode Island Sports Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Sports Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Ocean State Swim Camp
Bristol, Rhode Island

Visit Our Ocean State Swim Camp Website
1 Old Ferry Road
Bristol, Rhode Island 02809


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weedays 8:30am - 4:00pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Technique Swim Camp is a stroke intensive camp, we will focus on enhancing your swimmer’s technique. Our objective is for every swimmer to leave with a faster more efficient stroke, while at the same time enhancing their love for the sport of swimming. Swimmers will learn the latest technique trends for each of the four competitive strokes, as well as starts & turns. One stroke will be highlighted each day with an emphasis on efficiency & mechanics. Training will occur in each session, with swimmers receiving individual attention & feedback. Campers will receive daily instruction on injury prevention, dry-land training, and NUTRITION FOR COMPETIVE SWIMMING. When they return to their home club or team they will be able to train & compete at a higher level

Swimming, and more.

June 26-29, 2017
$295 Before March 30
$325 After March 30

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Ocean State Swim Camp

There are 25 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Sports Camps in RI
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Rhode Island Sports Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some Rhode Island Sports Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

YMCA Camp Watchaug
Charlestown, RI

Visit Our YMCA Camp Watchaug Website
160 Prosser Trail
Charlestown, RI 02813

95 High Street, Westerly RI  02891


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. M-F, 9 am to 4 pm, Extended Day also available at the YMCA

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: YMCA Camp Watchaug is a Traditional Day Camp for campers age 4 to entering 10th Grade. Located on 35 acres on the shores of Watchaug Pond. Campers swim, canoe, kayak, sail, climb, play court & field games, do archery, work together on the high and low ropes course challenging themselves and cheering their friends on! Specialty programs include Lego, Water Sports, Animals, Gymnastics, and Drama. Your child will play, learn and thrive at Camp Watchaug!

Basketball, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Dance, Theater, and more. Lego Engineeering Specialty Camp, Tails & Trails Specialty Camp With Local Animal Shelter, Low Ropes, Nature, Outdoor Skills, Archery, Climbing Wall, Zip Line, & High Ropes.

YMCA Camp Watchaug is a Top Sports Summer Camp located in Charlestown Rhode Island offering many fun and educational Sports and other activities, including: Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance and more. YMCA Camp Watchaug is a top Sports Camp for ages: 4 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: YMCA Camp Watchaug is located on Watchaug Pond at 160 Prosser Trail in Charlestown, RI. Our expansive waterfront and 30 acres of woods, courts and fields allows us to offer a large variety of activities in which campers try new things, develop skills, learn how to play with others and simply have fun!

CAMP FACILITIES: Focus on waterfront with swimming docks, boating dock and floating trampoline! Also have basketball court, pirate ship play scape, ga-ga pit, amphitheater, archery range, climbing wall, zip line, nature center and ropes course.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Campers are divided into small groups and spend each day with the same counselor who is able to focus on each individual camper. All traditional campers have a daily swim lesson and free swim. Accredited by the American Camp Association, we focus on having fun in a safe environment surrounded by positive role models. Camp staff are selected for their character, maturity, enthusiasm, experience working with children and commitment to our mission. All staff undergo an extensive screening and training process including criminal background checks. In addition to Traditional Camp programming, in 2020, we are offering Specialty Camps: Lego, Water Sports, Drama, Animal Programs, Gymnastics and a Counselor in Training program.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT program for campers entering 10th grade. Specifically designed to foster the transition from camper to counselor. CIT’s will have sessions designed to teach leadership, camper management and self-management. They will also shadow counselors and receive “hands-on” training. Our goal of this program is to help teens develop into stronger leaders in their school, community and at camp!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Assistance is available if needed.

We offer four 2-week sessions, Monday through Friday from June 29 to August 21. There are two 1-week sessions from June 22-24 & August 24-28. One-day programs are available during Session 1 only. Y member rate is $415, for 2 week sessions and $245 for 1 week sessions. Non-member rate is $485, for 2 week sessions and $300 for 1 week sessions. Specialty Camps have higher rates. Before and after camp care is also available for a small fee. Financial Assistance for families that qualify.

Do you want to spend this summer making a difference in the lives of children all while having a ton of fun? 

Do you enjoy working with children and understand the importance of positive role models on a child’s development? 

 Do you enjoy the out of doors? 

If yes to all three, then YMCA Camp Watchaug may be the best possible place of employment for you this summer!

We are a Day Camp located on Watchaug Pond in Charlestown, RI and are looking for creative, fun, responsible camp counselors, ropes staff and  lifeguards to ensure all our campers have a safe, enriching camp experience. 

For more information and application form, please contact: Danita Ballantyne, Camp Director at 401-364-6535 Email: dballantyne[AT] or visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Watchaug

There are 24 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

FabNewport Maker Camp
Newport, Rhode Island

Visit Our FabNewport Maker Camp Website
(401) 439-0160
1 York Street
Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Watch Our FabNewport Maker Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9-4

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We teach youth how to design in 2D and 3D, how to use machines such as 3D printers and laser cutters to create. We teach coding, fabrication, physical computing, soldering and electronics. We spend the early part of the day building skills and the rest of the day innovating and developing ideas. No prior experience is required.

Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. Digital Manufacturing, Design, & Coding.

FabNewport Maker Camp is a Top Sports Summer Camp located in Newport Rhode Island offering many fun and educational Sports and other activities, including: Sailing, Science, Academics and more. FabNewport Maker Camp is a top Sports Camp for ages: 11+.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in a community center 2 minutes north of the Newport Bridge just minutes walk from Newport's largest woodland park.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp is located in FabNewport's 1,800 square foot fab lab and equipped with 4 3D printers, 16 computers, 2 routers, one laser cutter, electronics and a wood shop.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We coach students to dream, design and make. We teach skills and encourage each camper to develop their own ideas. Children can work alone or together. We have a 6:1 ratio of campers to coaches. Our head coach, Nick Logler, is a skilled educator experienced in succeeding with children of all backgrounds and ages. Steve Heath oversees the camp. He has 25 years of experience developing and running innovative hands-on programs.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We do provide some scholarships and offer discounted fees based on need. Email to discuss.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: During the school year we work with schools, run after school program in our lab and off site and we also run professional development for teachers. We also run workshops for adults and open the lab to community members.

We run 6 1-week sessions. Cost is $350 session. Information is available on our website.

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FabNewport Maker Camp

There are 23 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Faith Hill Farm
East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Visit Our Faith Hill Farm Website
2056 Division Road
East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818

CAMPER AGES: Ages 6 to 16 with the majority of kids in Elementary School. Half Day options are available for children under 6 years old.

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekly themed sessions from 9:00am to 2:30pm. Early drop off or late pick-up can be arranged with fee.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Faith Hill Farm, we provide safe, friendly school horses and ponies for children to learn on. Stalls are available for campers to bring their own horse or pony. Campers will enjoy daily riding lessons with experienced instructors. Beginners will learn the fundamentals of English riding. Intermediate and advanced riders will learn new skills and further there education.

Horses/Equestrian, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

Faith Hill Farm is a Top Sports Summer Camp located in East Greenwich Rhode Island offering many fun and educational Sports and other activities, including: Horses/Equestrian, Wilderness/Nature and more. Faith Hill Farm is a top Sports Camp for ages: Ages 6 to 16 with the majority of kids in Elementary School. Half Day options are available for children under 6 years old..

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in East Greenwich Rhode Island, just minutes off of I 95 and Route 4.

CAMP FACILITIES: Faith Hill Farm has a wonderful array of camp ponies and horses. We strive to provide a quality educational and fun experience to campers of all riding abilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Faith Hill Farm provides quality instruction and educated camp counselors to create a fun and safe experience for all campers.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Multi Child, Returning camper, and referrals all receive discounts!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We are a full service equestrian center that operates year round. Faith Hill Farm has a large lesson program and attends a variety of horse shows throughout the year.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Proper Attire: Campers should wear close fitting pants, i.e. jeans, riding breaches if possible, a hard soled shoe with a heel (sneakers not allowed), and a well fitting riding helmet. ASTM approved safety helmets are avaliable for use also.

Campers with also need water, lunch, and a change of clothes.

Please visit our website ( or social media pages for camp session dates and fee information.

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Faith Hill Farm

There are 22 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Sports Squirts
Rhode Island Location(s)

Visit Our Sports Squirts Website
Register: (866) 345-BALL
Questions: (732) 563-2520

4 Somerset Street
Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08889

New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania.


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Camps, and weekly

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The US Sports Institute's Squirts programs are designed to introduce children aged 2-8 to a variety of sports in a safe and structured environment. All games and activities will encompass hand-eye coordination, balance, agility and movement – all key factors to the early development of children in sport.

Soccer, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We cater to much of Northeastern United States, as we run programs in various states, helping make it convenient for travel and access to our services.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In addition to having a great time playing sports, children will develop social interaction and communication skills. All sports are developed through a series of games and activities designed to ensure learning and most importantly: fun, fun, fun!

Camp sessions and fees vary depending on the camp. For more information, visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information

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Sports Squirts

There are 21 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

YMCA Camp Fuller
Wakefield, Rhode Island

Visit Our YMCA Camp Fuller Website
401-783-5359 800-521-1470
619 Camp Fuller Road
Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Fuller's unique location on a tidal salt water bay of the Atlantic is perfect for aquatic activities that foster self confidence, promote teamwork and develop leadership skills. These are complimented by a variety of land based activities. We are committed to instilling the YMCA's core values of respect, responsibility, honesty and caring in every child.

Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, and more. Windsurfing, Waterskiing, Stand Up Paddle Boards, Marine Biology

CAMP LOCATION: Our location on Point Judith Pond on the Rhode Island coast is ideal for salt water aquatic activities. We are 45 minutes from Providence, 1 1/2 hours from Boston and 2 1/2 hours from New York City.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our campers live in rustic, well-kept cabins with eight campers and two staff in each cabin. Campers eat as a cabin group at our traditional camp dining hall. Point Judith Pond is our main program venue; we also have traditional land based program facilities such as archery, athletic fields and a skate park.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: 2017 will be Camp Fuller's 130th year as a branch of the YMCA of Greater Providence. We take great pride in our camp history and traditions while always looking to add new and exciting program options. Our program schedule is designed to encourage skills development, particularly in our aquatic activities. Our best sailors race in local regattas and we have also attended wind-surfing regattas.

Our campers develop self-confidence and perseverance through learning skills. Many of our staff are "home grown" through our CIT program. In addition, we hire international staff to add a cultural richness to camp. All staff attend a week-long staff training that includes sessions on keeping children safe, program instruction and counseling skills. We also host international campers to further add to the diversity of our camp population.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: YMCA Camp Fuller has a two year leadership track: at age 15 campers are eligible to enroll in our Leadership Development program. The LD program is a four week program that promotes general leadership skills. It will prepare campers to be a Counselor In Training candidate at age 16 or older. The CIT program is a four week program that transitions campers to staff members.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: YMCA Camp Fuller provides financial support to ensure that any camper can attend camp. Our Financial Assistance form is on our website.

Please refer to our website for 2017 dates and rates and to enroll.

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YMCA Camp Fuller

There are 20 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Kingston's Adventure Camp
West Kingston, Rhode Island

Visit Our Kingston's Adventure Camp Website
(401) 464-1414
2056 Ministerial Rd.
West Kingston, Rhode Island 02879

240 Church St. Peace Dale, RI 02879


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Traveling day camp, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. One overnight campout per week

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Bouldering
Mountain Biking
Skim Boarding
Disc Golfing

CAMP LOCATION: Drop off and pick up are at Kingston's Camp on Larkin's Pond in West Kingston, RI. From there we travel to fantastic locations around Rhode Island depending on the activity.

CAMP FACILITIES: Kingston's Adventure Camp utilizes some of the best outdoor adventure locations Rhode Island has to offer. We surf at Narragansett beach, canoe on the Pawcatuck and Wood river, boulder in Lincoln Woods, cycle on various bike paths and trails, camp in Arcadia State Management Area and the Burlingame Canoe Camp site, and use many other exciting areas.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Kingston's Adventure Camp strives to make a positive difference in the lives of youth through day and overnight trips that focus on summer fun, personal growth, learning new skills, and creating stronger connections to nature. We provide participants with committed leadership that fosters safety and learning in outdoor settings while following the “challenge by choice” theory that all participants have the right to choose their comfort level in any given activity.

Kingston’s Adventure Camp promotes attitudes geared toward team work, leadership, acceptance and gratification through personal individual service to participants and their parents by offering well rounded adventures lead by passionate professionals in the Adventure Education field.​​​

Leaders Arlin Goss and Tarrah Robillard have degrees in Adventure Education from Plymouth State University, Wilderness First Responder and life guarding certifications and have many years of experience coaching, mentoring, and instructing in a variety of disciplines.

June 30 to July 3 – Bouldering (Monday-Thursday, $300)
​July 7 to July 11 – Paddling
July 14 to July 18 – Cycling / Geocaching
​July 21 to July 25 – New Hampshire Adventure Week
​July 28 to August 1 – Surfing
​August 4 to August 8 – Paddling
​August 11 to August 15 – Surfing
​August 18 to August 22 – Adventure Week, customized adventures chosen by participants

$ 350 per week
$ 300 per week if registering for 3 or more weeks

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Kingstons Adventure Camp

There are 19 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club (RIFAC)
East Providence, Rhode Island

Visit Our Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club (RIFAC) Website
(401) 434-2404
14 Almeida Ave
East Providence, Rhode Island 02914


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Full and Half-Day camps available

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: RIFAC Fencing Summer Camps are a great place for beginning fencers to start their fencing journey! Kids will develop a solid foundation of fencing skills, while experienced fencers greatly boost performance. Using a wide range of bouting, games, drills and activities, our programs develop coordination, concentration, self-esteem and etiquette. Kids love the fun, challenge, friends and memories of RIFAC summer camps! All equipment is provided. Space is limited in each section to ensure quality instruction and staff attention.

Team Sports, and more. Modern Olympic Fencing

Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club (RIFAC) is a Top Sports Summer Camp located in East Providence Rhode Island offering many fun and educational Sports and other activities, including: Team Sports and more. Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club (RIFAC) is a top Sports Camp for ages: 8-18.

CAMP LOCATION: RIFAC is conveniently located off Route 195, just 5 minutes outside of Providence, RI.

CAMP FACILITIES: RIFAC's nationally recognized state-of-the-art, air-conditioned facility is the ideal training center for fencers of all ages and skill levels. Our 10,000 square foot club has 14 electric strips and all the necessary gear and training equipment needed to run a fun and exciting camp.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Named as the USFA (United States Fencing Association) 2016 Club of Excellence in Youth Development, RIFAC has been dedicated to working with children for over 20 years. Our professional staff is committed to providing the best camp experience possible for each student. Well-respected in the community, RIFAC produces competitive and recreational fencers of the highest caliber, including World Cup competitors. In fact, top colleges nationwide often offer RIFAC fencers scholarships to attend their schools and join their fencing teams.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We’re passionate about fencing and provide everyone with the opportunity to fence, regardless of economic background. Financial assistance is available to students who, without it, would be unable to take part. Please contact RIFAC for details.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: RIFAC offers top quality fencing classes all year long! Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for details.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for all camp schedules and details.

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Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club RIFAC

There are 18 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

MNOHS Online Two-Week Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project
Online Camp Minnesota

Visit Our MNOHS Online Two-Week Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project Website

CAMPER AGES: Grades 9-12

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: This summer, MNOHS music teacher Erin Winchell and MNOHS media arts teacher Michael Wiechmann are teaming up to lead an exciting, intensive online learning experience. Youth will meet online in real time to develop video projects, show their work, and give and receive feedback. Projects include a 30-second commercial and a 10-minute short film, documentary, or stop action.

Technology, Academics, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more. Video & Soundtrack Production

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Youth should plan to be online 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. weekdays, and to work ten additional hours per week on their projects. Most of the scheduled time is for projects but some of it will be for meetings.

Required equipment: A tablet or phone with a front-facing camera. A video camera or DSLR camera will also work.

June 16 - June 29

$240 for non-MNOHS students
$180 for MNOHS students--or free for those who qualify

Please see our web site for more information: Our Camp Website Link:

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MNOHS Online TwoWeek Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project

There are 17 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps
Online Camp

Visit Our The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps Website
Brooklyn, New York 11215

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico.

CAMPER AGES: 7 years - 17 years old

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Learnatory Esports & Coding STEAM Camps are for those passionate about video games and excited to code! National Esports Champions teach rising 3rd thru 11th graders proven strategies and provide personal VOD analyses of their gameplay in: Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League. Coding & Game Design STEAM Summer Camps include: SCRATCH, JavaScript, Python, C# thru Unity.

Team Sports, Computers, Technology, Academics, and more. Esports, Coding & Game Design.

CAMP LOCATION: We offer live instructors online.


CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1978, The Learnatory has provided exceptionally robust summer camps as the perfect blend of academic development and recreational fun! Our goal is always to help young people develop the curiosity to explore, the confidence to discover, and the character to grow with excellence. Our small group ratio of 6:1 ensures each camper gets personal attention and enthusiastic support to address their passions and interests.

The Learnatory Esports & Coding STEAM Camps are for those passionate about video games and excited to code! National Esports Champions teach rising 3rd thru 11th graders proven strategies and provide personal VOD analyses of their gameplay in: Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League. Coding & Game Design STEAM Summer Camps include: SCRATCH, JavaScript, Python, C# thru Unity.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Partial scholarship grants are awarded as needed and when available.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Through The Learnatory In-School, After-School, Home-School, Weekend, Summer Camps, and online programs, The Learnatory, has served over 12,000 college-bound youth and teens in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City effectively and significantly boost their academic, personal, and career development. We offer over 50 various STEAM courses and programs. Our virtual program began in the Summer, 2020 and will continue to operate to serve more young people nationwide.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Esports camps are coached by actual top National Esports Champions.

Each camper receives a proprietary PEP (Prescribed Educational Plan) for every class they take that states exactly what skills they will learn and documents at the end how well they learned them.

Esports camps are designed for those passionate about video games because research shows “Gamers are more likely to pursue high-paying careers in the lucrative STEM/STEAM fields than non-gamers.”

Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it is important for kids to understand and be able to work with and understand the technology around them.

Tutoring to help students catch up, keep up, or get ahead.

Three 1-week camps offered from June 28 through July 31, 2021.

Three classes offered daily:

8:30 am – 10:30 am
10:45 am – 12:45 pm
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

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The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps

There are 16 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Wakefield, Rhode Island

Visit Our Camp JORI Website
Winter: (401) 421-4111 x 124
Summer: (401) 783-7000

1065 Wordens Pond Rd.
Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879

P.O. Box 5299
Wakefield, RI 02879


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. Non-Denominational Pluralistic Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: ACA accredited. Camp JORI is a high quality Jewish summer camp. Beautiful natural setting. Full range of boating, fishing, swimming pools, sports, arts, theater, and more. Flexible overnight sessions ranging from 2-10 weeks. Day Camp K-4. Camp JORI is loads of fun, lifelong friends, skill building programs and new opportunities in a safe and supportive setting. Preparing campers for success in life since 1937.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: For more information on our Reaching UP program, please contact our director.

Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. Fishing, Tubing In The Lake, Rock Climbing, Low Ropes, Leadership, Volleyball, Gaga, Street Hockey, Hiking, Camping, Kayaking, Israeli Culture, Canoeing, Sailing, Lacrosse, Soccer, Basketball, Arts & Crafts, Water Polo, Ultimate Frisbee, Leadership Programs

CAMP LOCATION: Located between Boston and New York, Camp JORI sits on over 72 acres of pristine woodland, on the largest lake in Rhode Island with an exceptional waterfront for boating and fishing, with woodland paths and pine groves. The site is surrounded by Nature Conservancy protected land.

CAMP FACILITIES: The buildings are all state-of-the-art. We have dining hall with a professional kitchen, rec hall, 350-seat theatre, 17 cabins with bathrooms, showers and all single beds for sleeping, teen village for the older campers, health center, playing fields, 2 basketball courts, 3 tennis courts, two pools with slides and a fountain, nature trails, and more. Security is an important part of our program. Camp JORI employs well-trained and screened security staff each summer, who patrol the area and are available 24-hours a day.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Camp JORI, we "give great camp" designed to ignite the spirit, enrich character, inspire growth and build community. JORI is a vibrant, dynamic, holistic and transformational fellowship of friends and family distinguished by its truly egalitarian principles and its embrace of Jewish values. Join us!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: LIT program: For eighth and ninth graders, Camp JORI offers the LIT (Leader-in-Training) Program. Designed for this age group, the older campers participate in leadership development daily, as well as enjoy additional choice in their activities, a weekly field trip, an opportunity to share skills with younger campers and the chance to perform community service.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Since its inception, Camp JORI has offered every child the opportunity to have a camping experience and to be part of the JORI family. Scholarships are given based upon ability to pay. All parents are asked to pay a portion of the fee. Please contact the camp for complete info.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We strive to plan year round reunions and year round programming to allow camp friends to get together. Many of our events are free of charge. Please follow our facebook or newsletter to see our schedule of events.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Non-Denominational Camp. Kosher Dietary Laws Observed.

Camp is peanut free and can accommodate all allergies and food sensitivities.

Flexible session options. Please visit our website for complete details.

Currently recruiting General cabin counselors, Head counselors, Waterfront specialists, Nurses, lifeguards, sports counselors, arts counselors and counselors that love working with kids and being in the outdoors.  If you are a highly motivated, creative and fun individual with a positive attitude and good energy, please send an email to kara[AT]

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Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick
Warwick, Rhode Island

Visit Our Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick Website
116 Long St
Warwick, Rhode Island 02886

42 Frederick St, Warwick RI 02888


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. M-F 7:00am-6:00pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

and more. Daily Activities: Sports & Recreation, Swim, Adventure Treks, Art & Crafts, Immersion, & Counselors Choice.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 74 acres, multiple recreation fields, in ground pool, and beach access.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: ACA Accredited, All staff are go through trainings, CPR/first aid certified, Background, checked, and are 18 years or older.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor in training programs offered to teens ages 14-18. Based on enrollment and funds

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available upon contingency of financials.

June-August, $115.00 a week, see website for additional dates and schedule.

Summer Camp Counselor must be 18 years or older, interested applicants must send a resume to Nicole[AT]

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Boys and Girls Clubs of Warwick

There are 14 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Dharma Voyage Adventure Rowing Camp
Bristol, RI , RI

Visit Our Dharma Voyage Adventure Rowing Camp Website
1 Burnside St
Bristol, RI , RI 02809

More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. 4 days of day camp followed by overnight rowing adventure

Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Rowing

CAMP LOCATION: We are located at the Herreshoff Marine Museum in Bristol, RI.

For complete information on dates please refer to our website: Our Camp Website Link:

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Dharma Voyage Adventure Rowing Camp

There are 13 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Oliver Hazard Perry - Adventure at Sea Summer Camps for Teens
Rhode Island Location(s)

Visit Our Oliver Hazard Perry - Adventure at Sea Summer Camps for Teens Website
(401) 841-0080
Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Block Island, RI
Vinyard Haven, MA
Provincetown, MA
Newport, RI
Nantucket, MA
Boston, MA
Portsmouth NH
Greenport, NY
Nova Scocia, Canada
Portland ME, and more!

11A Bridge Street
Newport, RI 02840

CAMPER AGES: 12-14, 15-18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Sail the coast of New England and beyond this summer on America's newest Tall Ship! The Oliver Hazard Perry is Rhode Island's official sailing education vessel, and is the first of it's kind to be built in America in over 100 years! At 200 feet in length, the SSV Perry is a fabulous platform for adventure, teamwork, exploration and fun! Sail with a professional crew who will teach you the ropes. Learn to steer the ship, set the sails, and work as part of a team. See the beauty of the ocean from an unforgettable perspective - call us today, or check out Our Camp Website Link: for more information!

Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Math, Science, Technology, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Maritime History, Marine Biology, Maritime Literature

CAMP LOCATION: Our office is located in downtown Newport, RI. This ship will move throughout New England, visiting the ports of Newport, Block Island and Providence RI, Boston, Nantucket, and Provincetown MA, Portsmouth NH, Portland ME, and many more destinations. Check Our Camp Website Link: for specific itineraries.

CAMP FACILITIES: At 200 feet, the Oliver Hazard Perry is the first ocean-going full-rigged ship to be built in the U.S. in over 100 years. It is the largest civilian sail training vessel in America. She has berths for 49 people overnight, and with 17 crew, a low camper to crew ratio creates a safe and fun environment. The ship is equipped with a steel hull, 3 masts, with square sails on all three masts, 20 sails totaling 14,000 square feet, and 7 miles of rope and wire. The engines run on a bio-diesel blend, and the ship is equipped with a modern galley (on-board kitchen), central air, an on-deck science lab, a library and wheel-chair accessibility above and below decks.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: With 17 professional crew and a capacity for 30-34 campers, our program promotes a dynamic and safe learning environment with a 2:1 ratio of campers to instructors. Campers will feel the thrill of steering a 500-ton ship, and learn to work the yards and sails while exploring the beautiful coasts of New England. They will learn safety at sea and perform important safety drills while acquiring skills in navigation, seamanship, sail handling, knots, and the language of the boat. Campers will explore the underwater world through snorkeling. They will understand wind, waves, tides and the ecology of sandy and rocky seashores. Sunsets, sunrises and the night sky will serve as the backdrop for this incredible experience, in addition to marine phosphorescence, dolphins and whales. Teamwork is an integral part of success onboard the boat, and in addition to learning about themselves, and achieving things they never imagined, they will make friendships to last a lifetime.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: In addition to witnessing the natural magic of the ocean and its inhabitants, each student crew will make friendships to last a lifetime. Campers will take responsibility for themselves and their fellow shipmates, learning to work as a team with others as they hoist and brace the yards on the ship's 130-foot tall rig and apply acquired navigational skills to guide the ship's course on a voyage of discovery.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: As a non-profit organization we are committed to making this amazing experience available to everyone. Because we are new, an endowment for scholarships is still being developed, however the first 10 sign ups will receive a 10% discount! Please contact us for group discounts. Scholarships will be made available in the near future.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Perry will sail year-round, offering experiences for high school and college age students, as well as adult sail-training and team building. The ship will spend the Summers in New England and the Winters in Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.


Sailing School Vessel Oliver Hazard Perry is Rhode Island’s official sailing education vessel and flagship non-profit maritime campus, offering experience-based, core learning opportunities to a diverse student population, including those with disabilities, aboard a magnificent 196-foot, three-masted, square-rigged tall ship.

We achieve our mission in collaboration with Rhode Island educational institutions and the marine industry with a sustainable plan that promotes our sea-faring heritage with programs that serve as symbols for our stewardship of the Ocean State’s maritime environment.

Camp price for six days/nights is $1,600 (10% discount early bird special for the first 10 campers to sign up!), which includes all meals and seamanship/sailing instruction.

Our tentative schedule can be found at Our Camp Website Link: Please e-mail info[AT] to sign up, or call the office at (401) 841-0080

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Oliver Hazard PerryAdventure at Sea Summer Camps for Teens

There are 12 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Kingston's Camp on Larkin's Pond
West Kingston, Rhode Island

Visit Our Kingston's Camp on Larkin's Pond Website
2795 Ministerial Road
West Kingston, Rhode Island 02892

123 Oakdell St.
Peace Dale, RI  02879


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays 9am-3pm with ext. hours 7:30am-5:30pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Wilderness/Nature, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. Archery
Field Games
Nature Studies
Environmental Studies
all In A Relaxed Manner

CAMP LOCATION: Close to the University of Rhode Island and a short drive from the beaches of Southern RI, Kingston's Camp is on Larkin's Pond and has a wonderful wooded lot with small fields for games and activities. Please visit our website for photos and description of everything we have to offer.

CAMP FACILITIES: We are an all outdoor camp located on pristine Larkin's Pond. Our shelter includes a large army tent and very large tipi.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Kingston's Camp has been around for over 50 years. We focus on allowing your child to have a relaxed unplugged summer so that they are rejuvenated for a new school year in the fall.

We are American Camp Association Accredited and have received the Markel Safety 1st award for the past 4 years. Our Waterfront Staff are WSI certified in the Red Cross Learn to Swim Program, along with Sailing Certifications from US Sailing and Small Craft boating. Our Archery lessons are also provided by an American Archery Assoc. Certified Instructor.

Please visit our website: Our Camp Website Link: complete information.

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Kingstons Camp on Larkins Pond

There are 11 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Camp Aldersgate
North Scituate, Rhode Island

Visit Our Camp Aldersgate Website
(401) 568-4350
1039 Snake Hill Rd.
North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857

Watch Our Camp Aldersgate Video

CAMPER AGES: Day Camp: 6-12 / Overnight Camp: 7-18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Day Camp: 9 am to 4 pm with options for extended day / Overnight Camp: Sunday at 4 PM to Friday at 4 PM - See our website for information about "Connection Weekends"

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. We are a progressive Christian camp owned and operated by the United Methodist Church.

Camp Aldersgate is open to ALL campers, regardless o

Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Team Sports, Science, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 19 miles (25 minutes) Northwest of Providence, RI.

We are located 60 miles (65 minutes) Southwest of Boston, MA.

We are located 170 miles (3 hours) Northeast of New York City.

We are located 23 miles (30 minutes) Northwest of TF Greene Airport in Warwick, RI. Most major airlines fly with this airport!

Please visit our website for specific driving directions!

CAMP FACILITIES: Located on 260+ acres of land, we have a private lake for swimming and boating, an outdoor ampitheatre, a new arts and crafts center, a large dining hall, a basketball court, two gaga courts, hiking trails, several areas for spiritual growth including a labyrinth and peace garden, a low ropes challenge course, and a high ropes course with one of the highest ziplines in New England!

We have 7 newly renovated, modern waterfront cabins that include indoor bathrooms!

We have a retreat center with 13 dorm style rooms, a large meeting/recreation hall, several small meeting places, and newly renovated bathrooms!

For our older campers, we have 7 woodside cabins. They enjoy having their own area away from the "hustle and bustle" of main camp for late campfires and teambuilding activities. ALL of our living areas have electricity.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: “The Camp Aldersgate Experience” has many different layers, but one core value… community! For over 65 years, youth and adults have found a sacred space where they can unwind from the world and be renewed in their faith. Year round, Aldersgate, an outdoor ministry site of the United Methodist Church, is a place where people of all ages experience the peace and excitement of God’s Creation. Come find out why generations of campers call Aldersgate home!

Campers interested in the arts have a unique opportunity to participate in our LIVING ARTS program. In just one week we put on a full-length musical! This year we will be performing "The Sound of Music!" Every camper is involved in the production either onstage or creating the backdrops, set pieces, costumes, props, or being part of the technical crew! Our most popular week! (Ages 8-18)

During our CAMPERS' CHOICE weeks, campers choose a specialty area they participate in every morning for two hours. These include sports, archery, sailing, arts & crafts, and many more! Horseback riding is offered during two of our campers' choice sessions (see website for this year's dates). (Ages 8-18)

This is our first summer offering DISCOVERY CAMP! Join us for a week filled with wacky science experiments, investigative swamp stomps, and many other fun discoveries that will awe you with weird science, amazing nature, and cool new friends for a lifetime! (Ages 9-14)

Be the first campers to live in the Camp Aldersgate GLOBAL VILLAGE! Join our international staff and not only learn about different countries and cultures but live them for the week! While living in our Global Village, you’ll learn about injustices all around the world and how YOU can help be God’s hands and make a difference. (Ages 11-14)

We also offer half and full week options at our TEDDY BEAR CAMP for our youngest campers as well as girls-only and guys-only GO CAMPS. See our website for more information!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: God has given you some amazing gifts. At camp, we will help you to recognize those gifts and how you can use them as a leader at church, school, and camp. After completing Leadership Camp, you will become eligible for Junior Staff. (Must be 16 or completed the 11th Grade.) Leadership Camp participation is by application only - you do NOT have be a past camper to participate in this program! Visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for an application!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Realizing that families have differing abilities to pay, Camp Aldersgate is offering a voluntary 3-tier pricing program to accommodate differing financial needs.

Tier 1: Represents the price closest to the actual cost of the Aldersgate experience, and helps to ensure the sustainability of Camp Aldersgate. This is the ‘default’ rate in the registration system. This helps us to make sure that our program and staff are top quality, and helps us pay our staff a living wage.

Tier 2: Thanks to the efforts of our hard-working volunteers, we are able to offer this partially subsidized rate, which helps to account for more of the actual cost of the camp program. Please choose this rate if your family has the need for a subsidized rate.

Tier 3: The lowest price is subsidized by donations and other revenue sources. Choose this option if your camper needs financial assistance to experience Camp Aldersgate. If you cannot afford either of the higher amounts, please pay this amount.

No proof of financial need is required for your tier selection – it’s all the same great camp experience! The tier that you choose is up to you, and tier choices are kept confidential.

As always, Camp Aldersgate maintains a policy that no camper is turned away because of inability to pay for camp. Please contact the camp office or visit our webiste if you need additional assistance.

A great way to spend time together as a family! Campfires, worship, and fun! Activities for young people and adults! June 29-July 4.

Family Camp Weekend:
Can’t come for the whole week? Join us for a weekend! June 27-29.

Single Parent Weekend:
Single parents, bring your kids for a weekend packed with fun and community! June 27-29.

Grandparent & Me:
Kids, grab your grandparent(s) and come for a half week of fun! June 29-July 2.


The American Camp Association accreditation means that your child's camp cares enough to undergo a thorough review of its operation - from staff qualifications and training to emergency management. This parnership promotes growth and fun in an environment committed to safety. For more info, please visit their website at Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Aldersgate counselors are committed to children and youth and enjoy working with them. Some are former campers; others have heard about Aldersgate through their colleges or from friends and other camping circles. Our staff is carefully screened and chosen from applicants from all over the world. Each staff member is personally interviewed and must submit to a criminal and sex offender background check along with a thorough reference check before they are allowed to work with our campers.

All staff complete an intensive two-week training at the beginning of the summer where they learn to help campers with issues such as dealing with bullies, homesickness, child abuse, and safety. They also become certified in First Aid and CPR as well as blood borne pathogens. Lifeguards, ropes courses staff, and food services staff undergo additional training in their areas. We bring in professionals from various fields to instruct our staff, and summer leadership staff attend numerous professional trainings throughout the year to ensure that Camp Aldersgate’s safety standards, facilities, administration, and programs are not only current but leaders in the camping industry.

Aldersgate’s year-round staff are also recognized as leaders in their fields, providing training and leadership in regional and national settings.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for information on all our program sessions, dates, and fees. Please feel free to call the office with any questions!

Camp Aldersgate is currently hiring for the following positions:
Summer Counselor
Summer Driver
Summer Kitchen Assistant
Summer Maintenance Assistant

Get an application online through our website or at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Aldersgate

There are 10 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Alton Jones Camp
West Greenwich, Rhode Island

Visit Our Alton Jones Camp Website
401 Victory Highway
West Greenwich, Rhode Island 02817


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: W. Alton Jones is located on 2,300 acres of forest, wetlands, and a historic farm. With a 75 acre lake and over ten miles of hiking trails it is the best camp to come and explore the outdoors. Offering programs for ages 5-17, this camp offers hands on, energetic, and fun filled programming. A place to make new friends, explore, learn, and experience a new adventure. We have programs ranging from playing with animals to shooting a bow and arrow. There is something for everyone!

Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Science, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. Rock Climbing, Tree Climbing, Archery, Farming, Hiking,

CAMP LOCATION: Alton Jones Camp is located in 2,300 acres of forest. We have a 75 acre lake, hiking trails, streams and a working farm!

CAMP FACILITIES: We have several cabins, a huge dining hall, big rec field, 75 acre lake, 10 miles of trails and many campfire sites!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Alton Jones is an ACA Accredited Camp and has been rated on of the Best Camp Values in New England by the Boston Globe!
Every year we hire high quality staff that are bursting with enthusiasm and knowledge of the natural world. We continue to offer our campers traditional camp experiences while helping them connect with nature by hands-on exploration and adventure!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Now hiring Junior Counselors!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: For more info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

We offer one week sessions and a variety of programs so that campers can return for as many weeks as they like and always find something different to do.

Our Day Camp runs Mon-Fri from 9am to 3.30pm

Check-in for Overnight Camp begins Sunday at 2pm and check-out is Friday at 2pm

The one-week sessions start June 29th and runs for 7 weeks, ending on August 15th.

We have several Job Openings:
- Day Camp Counselor
- Overnight Camp Counselor
- Junior Counselor
- Overnight Coordinator
- Day Camp Coordinator
- Lifeguard
- Waterfront Manager

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Alton Jones Camp

There are 9 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Stepping Stone Ranch
W. Greenwich, Rhode Island

Visit Our Stepping Stone Ranch Website
201 Escoheag Hill Rd
W. Greenwich, Rhode Island 02817

CAMPER AGES: 8-16 and 21-70

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am-3pm Mon-Fri

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): We offer field trips and camps to all organized groups.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We educate children as well as adults to the exciting world of Horses. Learn not only to ride them but to understand their mannerisms and thought process. Trail ride or hike with them and enjoy a quick dip in the pool to cool off after a full day.

Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Adventure, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 30 min. south of Prov. 45 min west of Newport, RI: 25 min north of Plainfield Ct. Please visit our website for more details.

CAMP FACILITIES: We are a 112 acre Ranch that sits in the middle of 1600 acre Management area. There is a Family camp ground across the street with an in-ground pool where we swim and cool off!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our goal is to help you understand about horses and what it means to be safe around and on them. Learning to be riders and not just passengers; and to understand there way of seeing things. Our Campers will witness how they live in a herd and understand how that helps us learn more about them. Campers will learn from the ground up to become better communicators to these beautiful animals. We have so much to teach and share; and have 45 years of experience behind us for the next generation to learn from.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camps start from the last week in June to the last week in Aug. Please check out our website for the break down and prices.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We teach riding year round as well as clinics, boarding and leasing of horses

OTHER CAMP INFO: Learn through a horses eyes as to what they see when they are walking threw the woods. Enjoy a lecture from DEM as to the health of the forest and how horses interact with it.

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Stepping Stone Ranch

There are 8 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

PGC Basketball
Rhode Island Location(s)

Visit Our PGC Basketball Website
Choose from over 80 camps across the US and Canada each year
Across the US and Canada

WEST: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia<

Canada: Alberta, Ontario

P.O. Box 2202
Mandeville, LA 70470

Watch Our PGC Basketball Video

CAMPER AGES: Overnight Camps for 7th thru 12th grades; Skills Academy day camps for 4th thru 7th grades.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


PGC Basketball offers game-changing basketball camps for boys and girls entering grades 4 through 12, with locations coast to coast in the United States and Canada. Plus, coaches attend PGC too!

Each summer, 10,000 players from middle school to college attend a PGC Basketball camp or Skills Academy. PGC is for dedicated players who truly want to get better and players of all positions are welcome!

Any player will benefit from PGC—regardless of position or skills—as long as they want to learn and get better.

Basketball, and more. Beyond The Game. At PGC Basketball Camps, Players Develop A Winning Mindset & Leadership Skills On & Off The Court. There Is No Other Place On The Planet Like PGC To Develop A Player's Basketball IQ, Mindset, Leadership, Playmaking, & Confidence — All At The Same Time.

CAMP LOCATION: PGC partners with schools, universities, and private training facilities in 30+ US states and Canadian provinces providing a wide selection of camp locations to choose from. Visit our schedule & locations page for more details: Our Camp Website Link:

Locations include:

WEST: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia<

Canada: Alberta, Ontario


For 28 years, PGC Basketball has been the worldwide leader in teaching players how to think the game, be a leader, and run the show.

We believe every player deserves to know how to unlock their potential. We believe every player deserves to discover how to be a leader on and off the court. And, we believe every player deserves to know how to use the game to propel themselves to success in life.

At PGC Basketball, we’re a team of passionate teachers of the game who won’t stop at anything in our quest to inspire and equip dedicated players and coaches everywhere.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Since 2012, PGC has provided more than $500,000 in financial assistance. Each year, we do our best to assist as many families as possible.

Scholarship applications begin each spring for summer sessions at: Our Camp Website Link:

Visit our website to learn about our summer overnight basketball camps, our skills academy camps for youth players, and our fall weekend camps.

Our PGC staff are remarkable individuals with a passion to learn, grow, and impact others. There are three ways to get involved: be a volunteer coach, join our paid summer staff, or join our year-round team.

Our Camp Website Link:

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PGC Basketball

There are 7 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Camp Wego
Rhode Island Location(s)

Visit Our Camp Wego Website

Florida Locations

Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Travel Tours Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Wego offers high-quality tours for teen and adults with special needs year around. Our travel programs are unforgettable adventures. We are not your ordinary travel Camp! On our exciting, supervised educational travel programs, individuals learn new skills, make lifelong friends and explore extraordinary cultures in United States and abroad.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Wego is a Travel camp serving teens and adult with special needs ages 14-65. We are a small travel special needs camp that travel in the United States and abroad. We are able to provide low staffing ratios, 1 to 4. (1:1 if needed) We have highly credentialed and experienced staff so each individuals needs are met. We add new and innovative travel and activities each year.

Our travel is designed to enhance social, friendship, culture, and other vital life skills that promote independence. Camp Wego helps travelers make new friends while traveling in a safe, fun and educational environment.

We offer high-quality supervised tours for teens and adults with special needs year around. Our travel programs are specialized for individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Asperger's syndrome.

Individuals must be ambulatory and be able to take care of personal hygiene needs.

Swimming, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, and more. Travel, Travel Abroad, Cruises, Camping, Sightseeing, Theme Parks, Culture

CAMP LOCATION: Our year-round office is located in Florida. Our trips depart and operate from many of domestic and international locations. Our staff training is held every year in Florida.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Wego is fully committed to developing life and social skills for individuals with special needs ages 14 and up. We believe that our travel trips are a great way to experience independence, improve social skills, and increase self-esteem in a secure, safe and also an exciting environment. Our primary goals are to help travelers build self-esteem, develop better social skills and self-expression, make and maintain friendships, improve fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and sensory integration.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Wego travels year around.

OTHER CAMP INFO: No Financial aid offered.

Most trips cost $1000 and up

For complete info visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Wego

There are 6 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Coastal Ninja Warriors
Ashaway, Rhode Island

Visit Our Coastal Ninja Warriors Website
337 Main Street
Ashaway, Rhode Island 02804

CAMPER AGES: 5 years to 11 years

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 8am - 3pm June-August

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Coastal Ninja Warrior Camp is an exciting adventure for kids ages 5-11. They will conquer obstacles, build strength, play indoor and outdoor games and more! Join us for a summer filled with laughter, challenges and ninja accomplishments. Camp runs from June 17th week through August 23rd. You can choose individual weeks or the full summer! Family discounts & multi week discounts.

Weightloss, Team Sports, and more. Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course Training, Fitness, Outdoor & Indoor Games

CAMP LOCATION: We are located just off I 95 exit 1 in Ashaway RI. Located inside a huge, new industrial building with a wonderful outdoor space for summer games! Please visit our website to see some great photos and videos!

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 4,000 square feet of space inside a new industrial type building! Large garage door enable us to let the fresh are in during those nice summer days. Safety is our number one concern and fun is our second! All of our obstacles are made with amazing construction for safety.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our summer camp program began the summer of 2020 and has been extremely successful each year. Our staff is very knowledgeable and helpful to all children. We make sure everyone attends a CPR & first aid certification each summer. Our days are fun packed and organized in 45 minute increments. We have obstacle play and training, obstacle races, board games, legos, art, outdoor game/activities, and wind down the day with a movie.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Each year we offer financial aid to one child in need each week. Please call for details or to apply.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We offer family member discounts plus multi week discounts.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We also offer kids classes that go year round. We have open gym every Saturday from 10-12 and book amazing birthday parties! Check us out!!

Check out our website Our Camp Website Link: for all the details including exact dates/weeks and pricing.
Early bird special is going on now through the end of March only!

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Coastal Ninja Warriors

There are 5 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

World Scholars Academy
Online Camp

Visit Our World Scholars Academy Website
+1(877) 680-9775

1188 Bishop Street, Suite 1509
Honolulu, HI


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Online.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: World Scholars Academy offers elite summer courses and internships taught by world-leading professional scholars and accompanied by exceptional peers from around the world. Learn advanced study skills and deep conceptual understanding of your subject from the world's most accomplished educators.

Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Team Sports, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, and more.

Business, Medicine, Law, Engineering, International Relations, Creative Writing

Please refer to our website for up-to-date information.

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World Scholars Academy

There are 4 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Brown University
Providence, RI

Visit Our Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Brown University Website
235 Hope Street
Providence, RI 02912

Watch Our Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Brown University Video

CAMPER AGES: 12 - 18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight with Commuter option

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Wardlaw Elite camps are designed for top juniors ages 12-18. The goal of the camp is to continue your development as a player while immersing you in a competitive college tennis environment. While technique will be evaluated and addressed, the aim of the camp is to focus on how to play.

The Elite Tennis Camp offers a high intensity three day program designed for top junior girls. The goal of the camp is to continue your development as a player while immersing you in a competitive college tennis environment. While technique will be evaluated and addressed, the aim of the camp is to focus on how to play. All technique and drill work takes place in a tactical framework.

Tennis, and more.

CAMP FACILITIES: Instruction takes place on Brown�s eight-court Varsity Tennis Complex and Brown�s four-court indoor facility housed in the Pizzitola Athletic Center. All twelve courts are US Open-style and tennis instruction is guaranteed rain or shine.

WARDLAW ELITE GIRLS I: June 21-23, 2013

CAMP TYPE: Overnight Camp with Commuter Option

TIMES: All day for Overnight / Commuters 9:00 am. � 5:00 pm daily

FEES: Elite Camp Girls Camp $790 Overnight / $650 Commuter

FEES: Elite Coed Camp � $875 Overnight / $525 Commuter

AGES: Wardlaw Elite Girls camp is for rising 8th graders and older. Wardlaw Elite Coed camp is ages 12-18 for overnight campers and ages 10-18 for full day campers.

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Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Brown University

There are 3 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

High View Farm Summer Riding Program
Cumberland, Rhode Island

Visit Our High View Farm Summer Riding Program Website
150 Tower Hill Road
Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: A summer horseback riding lesson experience that gives campers the equivalent of 2 1/2 months of horseback riding instruction in 5 days. Opportunities to learn about horses as well as 2 hours/day riding instruction. Discount for early sign-up and deposit.

Horses/Equestrian, and more.

See website for information.

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High View Farm Summer Riding Program

There are 2 Top Rhode Island Sports Camps Below

Canonicus Camp & Conference Center
Exeter, Rhode Island

Visit Our Canonicus Camp & Conference Center Website
(401) 294-6318
54 Exeter Road
Exeter, Rhode Island 02822


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. One week sessions

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Owned by the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Beautiful, traditional, outdoor summer camp.

Swimming, Adventure, and more. General Day & Resident Programs

CAMP LOCATION: Located in southern RI we have over 300 acres of forest, field and a 20 acre lake at our center. We have been operating our summer camping programs for over 65 years. Our campers are in small groups and participate in determining their schedule daily. We have some specialty programs, but all programs are based on our general camp model.

CAMP FACILITIES: Shelters, central bathhouse, playing fields, low ropes course, hiking trails, rustic dining hall, lake for swimming, plus lovely retreat facilities available for groups.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: ACA Accredited, all programs are one week sessions with the exception of our Leadership Development program

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer several types of leadership development programs for teens.


YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer meeting or retreat space all year long

Please refer to our website for program details at Our Camp Website Link:

We look for staff who are over 18, strong in their faith, and excited about working with children in the outdoors. See our website for application forms.

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Canonicus Camp and Conference Center

There is 1 Top Rhode Island Sports Camp Below

Rhode Island Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Rhode Island
Narragansett Council
PO Box 14777
10 Risho Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914

Visit the website for more info.

Rhode Island Girl Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Rhode Island
Girl Scouts of Rhode Island
500 Greenwich Avenue
Warwick, RI 02886
401.331.4500 or 800.331.0149
info [at]

Visit the website for more info.


RHODE ISLAND SPORTS CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Rhode Island Summer Sports Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

RHODE ISLAND SPORTS CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER SPORTS CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Rhode Island Summer Sports Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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Updated: May 24, 2018

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