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Visit Our Montgomery Soccer Academy Website
17301 Old Vic Blvd
Olney, Maryland 20832
PO Box 608 Olney, MD 20830
CAMPER AGES: Boys 4-14, Girls 4-17
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Montgomery Soccer Academy provides day camp weeks for Boys ages 4 - 14 and Girls ages 4 - 17. Day camps also include half day for 4 and 5 year olds and Goalkeeping. Evening High School Prep Camp is the final step in summer training for rising 9th to 12th grade boys and girls.
Soccer, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp is on the campus of Good Counsel High School in Olney. It is off Rt 108, just east of Georgia Avenue. Rt 108 is about 2 miles north of the Georgia Ave. ICC exit.
CAMP FACILITIES: Facilities include outdoor fields and air conditioned indoor space for lunch.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Montgomery Soccer Academy is one of the longest running and most popular soccer day camps in the area. Since 1990 the camp goal has been to help children learn and love soccer by emphasizing skill work ans small sided games. Skills Camp for boys and girls ages 4 and up include a variety of games, contests and activities to keep the children interested, practicing and learning.
Last year almost 200 middle and high school age girls attended our sessions. These are designed to be both challenging enough and individualized enough to help girls at all levels reach their potential. The camp is directed by Jim Bruno, Girls Varsity Coach at Good Counsel, with nationally ranked teams 14 of last 19 year. Staff includes other highly successful high school and select coaches as well as other area training professionals. College and high school players complete the staff. The counselor to camper ratio for the Skills Camp is approximately one to six. Please see Our Camp Website Link: www.msasoccercamps.com for more information.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Check website for special discounts for multiple goalkeeping sessions and for combined day and evening sessions for high school players.
2018 Weeks are as follows: June 25th - 29th, July 9th-13th and July 16th - 20th. July sessions include half day for 4 and 5 year olds and Goalkeeping for ages 10 and up. Tutition is $270.00 for first camper or week. Additional weeks/campers are $245.00 All registrations by April 18th are 245.00 Group discounts are available.
Evening High School Prep camp is July 23rd - 26th is for rising 9th - 12th boys and girls. Early bird cost is 150.00, after April 18th 175.00.
Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Maryland Sports Summer Camp or Summer Sports Recreation Program.
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